Josh Gutierrez

5' 7"
183 lbs

CrossFit Diem

Workouts Posted:
12114 W 88th St
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
United States

Personal Records

385 lbs
455 lbs
255 lbs
210 lbs
240 lbs
Run 400m:
Run 5km:
Row 500m:
Row 2km:
Swim 500m:

TrackMyPR member since March 6, 2013   -   17 workouts logged

Date Name Description Results
05/17/2013 130517 AMRAP in 16min of:

35 thrusters (65#/45#)

35 pull-ups

** Here's the kicker, every time you either put the bar down, or come off the pull-up bar you must complete 35 DU before returning to the AMRAP. DU are not considered part of your score. **
2 rounds 24 reps
Performed as RX
05/15/2013 130515 Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete 3 Power Cleans at a moderately heavy load. You may increase this load over the ten sets if desired. As a reminder, the power clean begins with the bar on the floor and ends on the shoulders, with no squat. 185x6, 205x2, 225x2 lbs
Performed as RX
05/15/2013 130515 Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete 3 Power Cleans at a moderately heavy load. You may increase this load over the ten sets if desired. As a reminder, the power clean begins with the bar on the floor and ends on the shoulders, with no squat. 225 lbs
Performed as RX
05/14/2013 130514 Front Squat 3x5 (sets across)

Use 5-10 pounds heavier than last time which was 130305. After a warm-up of x5 with an empty bar, x5 with added weight, x3 with more weight, and finally x2 with even more weight, you will then go up one more time and hold that weight for all three sets of 5 reps. As an example, if the last time you successfully lifted 200#, this time, you will use 205#. Now you can work your way backwards to find what weights you will use for your warm-up sets. In this case it will be 205x5x3, 185x2, 155x3, 135x5, and x5 empty bar. Notice that the weight used for the last warm up set is a bit lower than the weight used for working sets. This is intentional. Be smart with your warm-up weights. Complete on a three minute clock.
255 lbs
Performed as RX
05/14/2013 130414 As many reps/rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 Dead-lifts, 315#/225#
6 Box Jumps, 30/24 inch box
9 Toes to Bar

Scale weights to only one of the following: 275#/205#, 245#/175#, 225#/155#, 185#/135#. Box heights cannot be scaled but you may substitute step ups and if you cannot do full ROM toes to bar, substitute med-ball ab mat sit ups.
5 rounds 1 reps
Performed as RX