07/16/2016 |
WOD 3:Mom, Curtis P'eed Again!!!
9 Minute AMRAP of...
5 Curtis Ps (30# Dumbbells)
10 Toes to Bar
5 HSPU (1 AbMat)
Sprint 20 yards to Station 2 and repeat process
*Only reps are scored. The sprint is not counted towards a final score.
Judging Standards:
A Curtis P consists of a Hang Squat Clean, Fronts Rack Lunge Left, Front Rack Lunge Right, and Push Press, Strict Press or Jerk overhead. Dumbbells can be difficult to judge overhead. Athlete must demonstrate EAR IN FRONT OF ELBOW and SHOW CONTROL. If Athlete fails in the middle of a Curtis P, they simply start where they left off.
Toes to Bar. Athlete must start from a locked out elbow and must touch toe, laces or sole of shoe to bar.
HSPU - Athlete may Kip or perform strict HSPU. Feet must be in contact with the wall at the top of the rep for the rep to count.
Standards will be reviewed during the Athlete Briefing
57 reps Performed as RX |
08/01/2015 |
WOD 3: |
122 reps Performed as RX |