Karli Thomas


August 1, 2015

Performed at: 5th Gear CrossFit
Description: WOD 3:
Results: 128 reps
Performed as RX

3 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
07/16/2016 WOD 3 OctoMom!!!


Circle Category

New Moms - Grandmothers - Scaled

8 Russian Kettlebell Swings (35#)
8 Goblet Squats (35#)
8 SDHP (35#)
8 Slamballs (20#)
Carry both items estimated 20 yards

**Carry both the Kettlebell (like a suitcase) and Slamball (like a toddler in your arm) estimated 20 yards. There are no points for this, but to proceed to the next round, you must complete it.
Russian KB Swings are performed above eye level. Goblet Squats must be held in front of the body with two hands, SDHP must touch the ground and elbows break the parallel plane. Slamballs must be locked out over head and must touch the ground. Slamball can be slammed into ground into hands, but also can be slammed into ground, then picked up. Details will be explained at the Athlete Briefing.

TOTAL REPS: ____________________________

Athlete Signature: ________________________

Judge: __________________________________
192 reps
Performed as RX
07/16/2016 WOD 3 OctoMom!!!


Circle Category

New Moms - Grandmothers - Scaled

8 Russian Kettlebell Swings (35#)
8 Goblet Squats (35#)
8 SDHP (35#)
8 Slamballs (20#)
Carry both items estimated 20 yards

**Carry both the Kettlebell (like a suitcase) and Slamball (like a toddler in your arm) estimated 20 yards. There are no points for this, but to proceed to the next round, you must complete it.
Russian KB Swings are performed above eye level. Goblet Squats must be held in front of the body with two hands, SDHP must touch the ground and elbows break the parallel plane. Slamballs must be locked out over head and must touch the ground. Slamball can be slammed into ground into hands, but also can be slammed into ground, then picked up. Details will be explained at the Athlete Briefing.

TOTAL REPS: ____________________________

Athlete Signature: ________________________

Judge: __________________________________
192 reps
Performed as RX
08/01/2015 WOD 3: 128 reps
Performed as RX