Miguel Vallejo


June 17, 2015

Performed at: CrossFit Beo
Workout Name: Skill Work Wednesday
Description: Skill:
1.... Progressions for Pushups
3 Sets of Max Effort of whatever progression you are at. Rest 1 Min Between Sets
2.... Progressions for HSPU
3 sets of Max effort of whatever progression you are at. Rest 1 Min Between sets
3.... Progressions for Ring Dips
3 Sets of Max effort of whatever progression you are at. Rest 1 Min Between Sets

4 Months or More CrossFit If coach thinks they are ready of
GHD Sit-ups 3 x 20
Less the the 4 months CrossFit no matter what
3 x 30 weighted or non weighted ab Mat situps

Partner Workout
Double Karen 300 WallBalls for Time
*** wallball can't touch the groud each time it does you both have 15 Burpees
Results: 10m 36s
Performed as RX
Warmup: 5 Mins of Mobility on Own
3 Rounds NFT of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (face level) Russian
10 Overhead Walking Lunges (using bumper plates)
5 Pull-Ups
Cooldown: Foam Rolling
1.Lower Legs
2. Glutes/Hips
3. Quads/Hip Flexors
4. Mid-Upper Back (hug yourself)
5. Thoracic Mobility (hands behind head, roller mid back, bend back and over roller, hold 3-5 sec. x 5-7)
6. Lats/Rear Shoulder
7. Triceps
Athlete's Notes: 150 for time no partner

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