Dave John Amatong


July 21, 2014

Workout Name: Fertile Soil
Description: 7 min AMRAP

3 rope climbs (Intermediate*: 2 rope climbs, Novice: 1 rope climb or 6 rope lay downs) Do the first rep without feet for an additional scale up.

With the remaining time, as many rounds as possible:

10 dumbbell push presses (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

10 pistols* -alternate legs as desired- (Intermediate: pistols on a box**, Novice: 20 box step ups)

10 V ups (Novice: 10 sit ups).

*Womens Rx

**Pistols on a box look a lot like a step up, but the athlete starts on top of the box with hip fully open, they then squat down so that the crease of the hip dips below the knee while the free leg drops straight down the side of the box, before returning to the hip open position on top of the box

Scaling Guide: 3 5 rounds
Results: 2 rounds 11 reps
Workout scaled
Modifications at: Box pistols
Warmup: 2 min jump rope
2x -10push up
2x- 10air squat
2x- 10sit up

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