Eli Hines


April 24, 2021

Performed at: Farm Fitness
Workout Name: Hold it. Karen\'s with Annie?
Description: 15-Minute Time Cap

- Wall balls
- Double Unders*
- Sit-ups
While 1 partner holds a pre-loaded barbell in the front-rack position.

In the Remaining Time
- Maximum Front Squats

The team begins Part 1 with one of the athletes moving the appropriate, division-specific barbell from the floor into a front rack position (Standard, "I Dream of Jeanie" or "Frankenstein" all valid) to hold. Once the barbell is in the front rack position the first working athlete begins wall balls. No reps of the triplet can be completed, at any time, unless an athlete is holding the barbell at the front rack height.

The triplet begins with 50 wall balls, then 50 double unders (or 75 single unders), then 50 sit-ups. Once 50 of each movement are complete the team moves on to 40, then 30 and so on.

Athletes may swap in any time. No hand tag is necessary. Split the work up anyway you want. The working athlete must be provided an area at least 8-feet wide by 8-feet deep and that area must be marked on the floor. The barbell holder and resting athlete must stay out of the working athlete's space. The working athlete must leave the work space for another athlete to swap in. The barbell must be lowered to the floor when transferring to a teammate.

Wall Ball Variations:
MI 20#/10
FI 14#/9
MN/MM 14#/10
FN/FM 10#/9

*Rope Jump Variations:
All Divisions - 50-40-30-20-10 DU -OR- 75-60-45-30-15 SU

Team choice for DU or SU. Whatever the team chooses ALL athletes of the team must do the same movement.

Front-Rack Hold / Front-Squat Variations:
MI 95#
FI 55#
MN/MM 65#
FN/FM 35#
Results: 47 reps
Performed as RX

2 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
04/24/2021 Hold it. Karen's with Annie? 15-Minute Time Cap

- Wall balls
- Double Unders*
- Sit-ups
While 1 partner holds a pre-loaded barbell in the front-rack position.

In the Remaining Time
- Maximum Front Squats

The team begins Part 1 with one of the athletes moving the appropriate, division-specific barbell from the floor into a front rack position (Standard, "I Dream of Jeanie" or "Frankenstein" all valid) to hold. Once the barbell is in the front rack position the first working athlete begins wall balls. No reps of the triplet can be completed, at any time, unless an athlete is holding the barbell at the front rack height.

The triplet begins with 50 wall balls, then 50 double unders (or 75 single unders), then 50 sit-ups. Once 50 of each movement are complete the team moves on to 40, then 30 and so on.

Athletes may swap in any time. No hand tag is necessary. Split the work up anyway you want. The working athlete must be provided an area at least 8-feet wide by 8-feet deep and that area must be marked on the floor. The barbell holder and resting athlete must stay out of the working athlete's space. The working athlete must leave the work space for another athlete to swap in. The barbell must be lowered to the floor when transferring to a teammate.

Wall Ball Variations:
MI 20#/10
FI 14#/9
MN/MM 14#/10
FN/FM 10#/9

*Rope Jump Variations:
All Divisions - 50-40-30-20-10 DU -OR- 75-60-45-30-15 SU

Team choice for DU or SU. Whatever the team chooses ALL athletes of the team must do the same movement.

Front-Rack Hold / Front-Squat Variations:
MI 95#
FI 55#
MN/MM 65#
FN/FM 35#
47 reps
Performed as RX
04/16/2021 Hold it. Karen's with Annie? 15-Minute Time Cap

- Wall balls
- Double Unders*
- Sit-ups
While 1 partner holds a pre-loaded barbell in the front-rack position.

In the Remaining Time
- Maximum Front Squats

The team begins Part 1 with one of the athletes moving the appropriate, division-specific barbell from the floor into a front rack position (Standard, "I Dream of Jeanie" or "Frankenstein" all valid) to hold. Once the barbell is in the front rack position the first working athlete begins wall balls. No reps of the triplet can be completed, at any time, unless an athlete is holding the barbell at the front rack height.

The triplet begins with 50 wall balls, then 50 double unders (or 75 single unders), then 50 sit-ups. Once 50 of each movement are complete the team moves on to 40, then 30 and so on.

Athletes may swap in any time. No hand tag is necessary. Split the work up anyway you want. The working athlete must be provided an area at least 8-feet wide by 8-feet deep and that area must be marked on the floor. The barbell holder and resting athlete must stay out of the working athlete's space. The working athlete must leave the work space for another athlete to swap in. The barbell must be lowered to the floor when transferring to a teammate.

Wall Ball Variations:
MI 20#/10
FI 14#/9
MN/MM 14#/10
FN/FM 10#/9

*Rope Jump Variations:
All Divisions - 50-40-30-20-10 DU -OR- 75-60-45-30-15 SU

Team choice for DU or SU. Whatever the team chooses ALL athletes of the team must do the same movement.

Front-Rack Hold / Front-Squat Variations:
MI 95#
FI 55#
MN/MM 65#
FN/FM 35#
121 reps
Performed as RX