Catherine Trisch


May 6, 2020

Performed at: G2 GYM
Workout Name: Upper Body

Do workout 2 times
Results: 27m 12s
Performed as RX

9 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
05/21/2020 At Home Upper Body Strength 8 Exercises Total

Intervals of 45 seconds on/15 sec rest

1. Staggered Hand Push Up
2. Side Push up
3. Repeat 1, Opposite Side
4. Repeat 2, Opposite Side
5. Single Leg Push Up
6. Pike Push Up
7. Repeat 5, Opposite Side
8. Repeat 6

**Water Break**

9. Tricep Push Up
10. Supine Push Up
11. Repeat 9
12. Repeat 10
13. Standard Push Up
14. Tricep Dips
15. Repeat 13
16. Repeat 14
45m 00s
Performed as RX
05/14/2020 Upper body- Push day Push focused superset workout. Perform each number exercise in it's entirety before breaking. Today's goal for super setting is to build muscle, increase muscular endurance, and save time.

1. (Lying tricep extension x 10) into (close grip chest press x 10) (3 sets for all)

2. Chest press x 10 (3 sets)

3. (Three way plate press x 20) into (front raises x 8) into (svend press x 8) (3 sets for all)

4. (Neutral front raises x 10) into (wide grip bent over rear delts x 10) (3 sets for all)

5. Bent over tricep extension x 10, finishing with a 10 sec pulse (3 sets)

6. Reverse plank reaches (2 x 30sec)

7. Incline tricep push up (2x until failure)

37m 28s
Performed as RX
05/12/2020 Upper Body-Chest Incline Push-up (4 sets, 8-15 reps) Using one of the dip chairs, or another elevated surface in the house, place your feet (toes for higher difficulty) onto the surface and your hands on the floor. Lower yourself down until your chest is about .5-1 inch from the floor, hold 1-2 seconds, and explode back up, SQUEEZING the chest throughout and holding that squeeze at the top of the movement. Continue for 8-15 reps. Make sure the weight in the pack has you reaching close to failure within the rep range. Hands should be shoulder-width or slightly outside, and fingers should be pointed slightly out, about 30-45 degrees.

Close Grip Push-up (2 sets, 10-15 reps) Hands within shoulder-width, this is a triceps dominant push-up, but it will also target the inner chest. Make sure you hold at the bottom and squeeze throughout the movement, holding the squeeze for 1-2 seconds at the peak.

Wide-Grip Push-up (2 Sets, 10-15 reps) Hands wider than shoulder width and fingers pointed out at 90 degrees. Control both the positive and negative movement of this exercise with a 3 count down, 1 count hold, and 3 count up.

Dips(3 sets, 8-12 reps)-2 Chairs on each side of you for each hand, place bodyweight onto the hands and lower yourself between the chairs until elbow is at 90 degrees. Rise back up and squeeze. The farther you lean forward, the more it will hit the chest.

Chest Flyes (3 sets 6-10 reps) assume the top of a push-up position (arms extended) with the paper plates or towels under the hands. Slide your hands away from the midline of your body in a controlled motion, lowering your body towards the floor. Squeezing the arms and chest, and keeping the core tight, drive your hands back towards the midline until you reach the starting position.
28m 02s
Performed as RX
05/06/2020 Upper Body

Do workout 2 times
27m 12s
Performed as RX
04/23/2020 At Home Upper Body Strength 8 Exercises Total

Intervals of 45 seconds on/15 sec rest

1. Staggered Hand Push Up
2. Side Push up
3. Repeat 1, Opposite Side
4. Repeat 2, Opposite Side
5. Single Leg Push Up
6. Pike Push Up
7. Repeat 5, Opposite Side
8. Repeat 6

**Water Break**

9. Tricep Push Up
10. Supine Push Up
11. Repeat 9
12. Repeat 10
13. Standard Push Up
14. Tricep Dips
15. Repeat 13
16. Repeat 14

20m 00s
Performed as RX
04/21/2020 Upper body interval workout 10 Minute Interval workout (2 rounds, 20 min total)

45 sec work/15 sec rest

1. Close to wide arm push ups
-Alternate between close grip and wide grip

2. Reverse snow angels

3. Plank ups

4. Lying Bicep leg curls

5. Side to side push ups

6. Skull crushers

7. Pulse rows

8. Wrist curls

9. Angled downward shoulder pushups

10. Superman hold
26m 13s
Performed as RX
04/15/2020 Upper Body 1- Clap Press-up (Push up)

Perform the next four moves back to back (a 15 second shake of the arms is all you're allowed) and enjoy a proper rest at the end.



Rest:15 secs

Get in apress-upposition, with your hands shoulder-width apart and back straight. Lower until your chest almost touches the floor then push up explosively, clapping your hands together before going straight into the next iteration

2-Decline Press-up (Push up)

Don't have a bench? Just use your stairs or a chair.



Rest:15 secs

Place your feet on a bench with your hands planted on the floor in front of you. Lower your body down untilyour chestalmost reaches the floor. Press your body back up to the starting position while squeezing your chest. Pause briefly at the top before repeating.

3- Narrow Press-up


Reps:To failure

Rest:15 secs

Lie on the floor with your body straight and form a diamond shape with your hands. Lower your body down until your chest is almost touching the floor. Press your body back up to the starting position, squeezingyour tricepsand chest at the same time.

4- Isometric Chest Squeeze


Reps:30 secs

Rest:120 secs

Stand upright with both arms out in front of you, bent at a 90 degree angle. Lock your hands together and squeeze as hard as you can. Hold the contraction for 15-30 seconds then relax.

5- Lateral Raise to Front Raise

Perform the following two moves back to back (a 15 second shake of the arms is all you're allowed) and again enjoy a proper rest at the end.



Rest:15 secs

Standholding a dumbbellin either hand by your side. Slightly bend your knees and lift the dumbbells laterally until they're shoulder height. Then bring them back to starting position before raising them directly in front of you. Repeat the sequence.

6-Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press



Rest:120 secs

Position your feet shoulder-width apart and stand holding twodumbbellsat shoulder height with an overhand grip. Press the weights up above your head until your arms are fully extended. Return slowly to the start position.
41m 17s
Performed as RX
04/07/2020 Upper body- Push day Push focused superset workout. Perform each number exercise in it's entirety before breaking. Today's goal for super setting is to build muscle, increase muscular endurance, and save time.

1. (Lying tricep extension x 10) into (close grip chest press x 10) (3 sets for all)

2. Chest press x 10 (3 sets)

3. (Three way plate press x 20) into (front raises x 8) into (svend press x 8) (3 sets for all)

4. (Neutral front raises x 10) into (wide grip bent over rear delts x 10) (3 sets for all)

5. Bent over tricep extension x 10, finishing with a 10 sec pulse (3 sets)

6. Reverse plank reaches (2 x 30sec)

7. Incline tricep push up (2x until failure)
42m 13s
Performed as RX
03/31/2020 At Home Upper Body Strength 8 Exercises Total
Intervals of 45 seconds on/15 sec rest

1. Staggered Hand Push Up
2. Side Push up
3. Repeat 1, Opposite Side
4. Repeat 2, Opposite Side
5. Single Leg Push Up
6. Pike Push Up
7. Repeat 5, Opposite Side
8. Repeat 6

**Water Break**

9. Tricep Push Up
10. Supine Push Up
11. Repeat 9
12. Repeat 10
13. Standard Push Up
14. Tricep Dips
15. Repeat 13
16. Repeat 14
16m 31s
Performed as RX