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Shae Trainor 08/01/2015 5th Gear CrossFit None 8 Minute AMRAP
500 meter row buy-in (tie breaker)
then perform 1/2, 2/4, 3/6, 4/8 etc.
All weights are: 75#
Hang Squat Clean
Lateral Burpee (must jump and land with two feet)
48 reps
Performed as RX
Shae Trainor 08/01/2015 5th Gear CrossFit None WOD No. : 116 reps
Performed as RX
Shae Trainor 08/01/2015 5th Gear CrossFit None WOD 3: 123 reps
Performed as RX
Shae Trainor 08/01/2015 5th Gear CrossFit None AMRAP 5 Minutes
Empty Sled Starts at 0 Mark
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (15#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (20#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (30#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (35#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (40#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (50#)
Push Sled Back to Start
Points Given for Each Slamball that Clears Your Shoulder
Burpee Penalties if Slamball does not touch shoulder and Go over your back
7 For RX'd
5 for Intermediate
3 for Scaled, New Moms, Grandmothers
10 reps
Performed as RX
Shae Trainor 08/01/2015 5th Gear CrossFit None AMRAP 5 Minutes
Empty Sled Starts at 0 Mark
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (15#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (20#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (30#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (35#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (40#)
Push Sled Designated Distance (8-10 Meters)
Pick Up Slam Ball and Throw Over Shoulder (50#)
Push Sled Back to Start
Points Given for Each Slamball that Clears Your Shoulder
Burpee Penalties if Slamball does not touch shoulder and Go over your back
7 For RX'd
5 for Intermediate
3 for Scaled, New Moms, Grandmothers
10 reps
Performed as RX