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Alexandra Jelinek 09/11/2015 2015 Spicy Summer Showdown Spicy Summer Duathlon Row 3000m and Run 1.5 Miles
Row 2000m and Run 1 Mile
Row 1000m and Run 0.5 Miles

Two partners will work at the same time with one on the rower and one running. Once both the row and the run are complete, another pair of partners will begin the next row and run segment. Each partner must row once and run once. The run is a 0.5 mile lap starting and finishing at the rower at the top of the hill.
24m 16s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 09/11/2015 2015 Spicy Summer Showdown 8 the Hard Way As many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
8 Sled Pushes (empty sled)
8 Synchronized Burpees to plates
8 Sled Pushes (1 plate)
8 Synchronized Burpees to plates
8 Sled Pushes (2 plates)
8 Synchronized Burpees to plates
8 Sled Pushes (3 plates)
8 Synchronized Burpees to plates
8 Sled Pushes (4 plates)
8 Synchronized Burpees to plates
8 Sled Pushes (5 plates)
8 Synchronized Burpees to plates
Max reps sled push (6 plates)
98 reps
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 09/11/2015 2015 Spicy Summer Showdown Grip Chipper For time:
Athlete 1
36 Heavy Jump Ropes
12 Hang Power Cleans 135#/85#
4 Seated Kettlebell Hoists 53#/35#
Athlete 2
45 Heavy Jump Ropes
15 Hang Power Cleans
5 Seated Kettlebell Hoists
Athlete 3
54 Heavy Jump Ropes
18 Hang Power Cleans
6 Seated Kettlebell Hoists
6m 28s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 09/11/2015 2015 Spicy Summer Showdown Put a Ring On It None 118 reps
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 09/11/2015 2015 Spicy Summer Showdown The Worm 30 Sandbag Worm Clean and Jerks (60# sandbags for men and 40# sandbags for women will be connected)
6 minute time cap
2m 45s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 1 - Pair 1 2 pairs of two (4 Members, not competing in WODs 2 or 3)
20 Rounds for Time - 15 min CAP
20 Yard Sprint
8 Burpees to a Plate
20 Yard Sprint
Rounds will be performed as a relay and partners must alternate each round. This will be scored as two separate events: The faster Pair being
8m 34s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 1 - Pair 2 2 pairs of two (4 Members, not competing in WODs 2 or 3)
20 Rounds for Time - 15 min CAP
20 Yard Sprint
8 Burpees to a Plate
20 Yard Sprint
Rounds will be performed as a relay and partners must alternate each round. This will be scored as two separate events: The faster Pair being
10m 35s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 2 - Male 1 Male / 1 Female
For Time - 15 min CAP
60 cal Row
50 GHD Sit-ups*
40 4
13m 11s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 2 - Female 1 Male / 1 Female
For Time - 15 min CAP
60 cal Row
50 GHD Sit-ups*
40 4
15m 13s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 3 - Female 1 Male / 1 Female
Every Minute on the Minute until Failure
5 Thrusters (to be completed in a 30 sec lifting window)
*Athletes will start with an empty bar and add weight each minute. Men will add a total of 10 pounds, women will add a total of 5 pounds. Teams may load the bar for working athletes.
68 reps
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 3 - Male 1 Male / 1 Female
Every Minute on the Minute until Failure
5 Thrusters (to be completed in a 30 sec lifting window)
*Athletes will start with an empty bar and add weight each minute. Men will add a total of 10 pounds, women will add a total of 5 pounds. Teams may load the bar for working athletes.
82 reps
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 08/07/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 3 WOD 4 TBA 1h 8m 0s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 07/10/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 2 The Lifts - Snatch Buy-in: 500m Row
M/F Pair 2: 1 rep Max Snatch
*WOD #2 has a 10 minute CAP
265 lbs
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 07/10/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 2 Cindy 20 min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Air Squats
28 rounds 25 reps
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 07/10/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 2 Karen 150 Wallballs to a Target (20#/14#) 4m 59s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 07/10/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 2 Diane 21-15-9
Deadlift (225/155)
Handstand Push Up
7m 53s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 07/10/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 2 Grace 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 8m 18s
Performed as RX
Alexandra Jelinek 07/10/2015 2015 Vintage Summer Series Week 2 The Lifts - CnJ Buy-in: 500m Row
M/F Pair 1: 1 rep Max Clean and Jerk
*WOD #2 has a 10 minute CAP
275 lbs
Performed as RX