05/20/2020 |
Bodyweight Pull II |
AMRAP 15 minutes. Complete the exercises in order (scaled exercises are in the parentheses)
1. 20 Mountain Climbers (modify as needed)
2. 20 Donkey Kick Leg Raises (modify as needed)
3. 20 Reverse Fly (modify as needed)
4. 20 Glute Bridges (modify as needed)
5. 20 Superman (modify as needed)
One round complete, start back at exercise 1 and repeat until the 15 mins is up!
5 rounds 10 reps Performed as RX |
05/19/2020 |
Cardio II |
Choose one of the following of Exercises:
2.5 Mile Run
3.25 Mile Walk (scaled)
8 Mile Bike (scaled)
4000M Row (scaled)
This is for time, so complete as fast as you can. Have a great cardio day! |
34m 12s Performed as RX |