Doug Mitchell

5' 9"
160 lbs

June 2, 2013

Performed at: CrossFit Eclipse
Description: 100 double unders

50 handstand push ups

40 toes to bar

30 jerks ( 160/100lbs)

50 meters over head walking lunges (45/35lbs)

* ideally this will be done as a pair:

50 double unders per person ( may go at the same time)

on handstand pushup, the "resting partner," will hold a handstand on the wall

on toes to bar the "resting partner," will dead hang off the bar

on the jerks the "resting partner," will hold the ( 160/100lbs) in the front rack position

on the lunges both may go, but in a single file line, 10 burpee penalty for dropping the weight on the floor. set the weight down, please. Thanks
Results: 15m 07s
Workout scaled
Athlete's Notes: I partnered with Jason. The jerks were too light. 135 was too light. I think I could have rx'd or at least done 145-150 pounds on the jerks.

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