Daniel Livermore

5' 10"
180 lbs

October 4, 2014

Performed at: BCS Classic
Workout Name: BCS Classic WOD 3
Description: 10-20-30-40 yard farmer's carry (70/53)
10-30-60-100 yard shuttle run

3 minute time cap

Athletes will carry two kettlebells (70/53) ten yards and place them on assigned markers. Kettlebells not sitting on their base on the markers will result in an immediate 5 burpee penalty (No throwing, dropping or sliding kettlebells). Athletes will then sprint 10 yards to the starting line, touch the line and sprint 10 yards back to their kettlebells. They will then carry their kettlebells 20 yards, set them down and sprint 30 yards to the starting line and 30 yards back. Then carry the kettlebells 30 yards, set them down, then sprint 60 yards to the starting line and 60 yards back. Finally, athletes will carry their kettlebells 40 yards, set them down and sprint 100 yards to the starting line and 100 yards back to their kettlebells to end the workout.
Results: 1m 47s
Performed as RX

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