Richard Tavai

Laurinburg, NC
6' 2"
246 lbs

July 31, 2017

Performed at: RCC Fitness for First Responders
Workout Name: Hateful 8\'s
Description: Metcon

Hateful 8s 8 minute time cap (AMRAP)
8 WB (20/10)
8 HRPU (Knee pushups)
8 Box jumps (24/20) (step ups)
8 KB swings (40/20)
8 Air squats
8 Knee ups
8 Burpees
8 DU (16 SU)
Results: 2 rounds 32 reps
Performed as RX
Warmup: 10 Abmat situps
15 sec plank hold
10 Shoulder pass through
10 Air squats

2 Man tire flip competition,1 minute time cap per team.

Each person will stand at either end of the tire prior to the start of the clock. Either person will flip the tire, then the other person will flip the tire back. The team will continue this process until the 1 minute time cap is reached counting every rep. Team with the most reps wins. Tire must touch the ground before the tire can be flipped. Losing teams will run a 200 m penalty run.

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