Gel Padrid

Cebu City, Cebu
5' 2"
105 lbs

May 25, 2016

Performed at: CrossFit Pintados
Workout Name: Laurel and Hardy
Description: For time.

With a partner, split the work up any way you desire, one person working at a time (except on the last movement).

80 hip extensions

16 round trip sled pushes, 20 each way (Performance: +140lbs, Athletic*: +90lbs, Health: +0) loads listed are for turf

400m sandbag carry both people run, trade sandbag as you go- (Perfromance: 30kg, Athletic*: 20kg, Health: 10kg)

40 single arm dumbbell overhead squats (Performance: 45lbs, Athletic*: 30lbs, health: 20lbs)

40 shoulder press (Performance: 95lbs, Athletic*: 63lbs, Health: 33lbs)

20 bar or ring muscle ups (3 pull ups + 3 ring dips = 1 muscle up Still RX!)

40 plate burpees BOTH AT THE SAME TIME- (Performance: 45lbs, Atletic*: 25lbs, Health: 15lbs)
Results: 27m 00s
Workout scaled
Modifications at: Sledpushes @ 70lbs
SA db overhead squats and shoulder presses @ 15lbs
Sandbag runs @ 10 kg
Banded pull ups and dips
25-lb plate burpees
Athlete's Notes: Partnered up with Karen

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