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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Stacy Bentz 09/21/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Sprint 60 10 rounds

15 push ups (hand release)
sprint 60 yds

rest 60 seconds between rounds
15m 46s
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 09/19/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Track Triplet Three rounds for time of:
115 pound Split snatch, alternating legs, 8 reps
7 Bar muscle-ups
Run 400 meters
14m 56s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/18/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Fran Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
10m 43s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/15/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Teenage Dream 5 thrusters (135/ 95 lbs)

20 handstand push ups

Run 800 meters

4 thrusters

15 handstand push ups

Run 400 meters

3 thrusters

10 handstand push ups

Run 200 meters
14m 51s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/14/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Mr. T 8 back squats (155/105)
23 chest to bar pull ups
32 overhead walking lunges (45/35lbs) total steps
17m 39s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/12/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None
For time:

30 box jumps (24/20")

20 sumo deadlift high pull (95/65lbs)

30 toes to bar

20 dumbbell push press (50/35lbs)

30 GHD sit ups / weighted sit ups (10lbs)

20 calorie row (I think we might have enough rowers :/)

30 pistols alternating legs (total reps)

20 burpee over a 12 inch hurdle (lateral jump)
18m 52s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Breaking Bad 21-15-9 reps
front squat (135/95 lbs)
ring dips
8m 10s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 3rm 5 sets of 3 reps of push press 78 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 09/08/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Filthy Fifty 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (35/25lbs)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, (45/33lbs)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, (20/14lbs) at (10/9ft target)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
15m 57s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/07/2012 CrossFit Eclipse you're my sunshine 30 thrusters (75/55lbs)

3 rope climbs (15 on the short ropes)

20 thrusters

2 rope climbs (10 on the short ropes)

10 thrusters

1 rope climb (5 on the short ropes)
9m 27s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/04/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Chest Bump amrap in 12 minutes
50 double unders
7 burpees

add 7 burpees after each round
4 rounds 32 reps
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 09/04/2012 CrossFit Eclipse power snatch 5 overhead squats emom for 12 minutes
1 power snatch 5 overhead squats
53 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 09/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Epidural Labor day Wod
2 person partner wod

150 x kettlebell swings
200 x push ups
250 x squats
*every minute on the minute one partner will sprint 100 meters before switching places.
*you must complete all kettllebell swings before moving onto the next exercise
23m 57s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/30/2012 CrossFit Eclipse on fire as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes

10 burpees into a box jump (24/20")

200 meter sand bag run or (45/25lb plate)

3 turkish get ups (55/35lbs) for each arm
4 rounds 7 reps
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/27/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 2 rounds for time
800 meter run
30 power cleans (135/95)
30 sit ups
30 wall balls
24m 29s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/26/2012 CrossFit Eclipse overhead squat 1 rm 12 minutes to establish a 1 rep max on overhead squat 88 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 06/26/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
10 pistols ( 5 each leg)
10 burpees
6 rounds 14 reps
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/26/2012 CrossFit Eclipse overhead squat 1 rm 12 minutes to establish a 1 rep max on overhead squat 88 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 06/25/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 5 rounds
21 deadlifts (225/155)
21 dumbbell push press (45/25)
row 250 meters
18m 40s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/23/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
15 double unders
10 handstand push ups
15 kettle bell swings (55/35)
6 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/22/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 3 rounds
10 squat clean (123/103)
10 split jerk
11m 44s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/21/2012 CrossFit Eclipse overhead squat 3rm None 88 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 06/20/2012 CrossFit Eclipse what's a body good for? 100 x flutter kick (4 count)

100 x sit ups

100 x leg lifts

100 x squats

50 x push ups

50 x pull ups

100 x mountain climbers
25m 35s
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/19/2012 CrossFit Eclipse danger close as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
3 rope climbs
6 overhead squats ( 135/95)
5 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Stacy Bentz 06/19/2012 CrossFit Eclipse muscle snatch 1 rm 1 rm snatch find your 1 rm muscle snatch
work for a new 1rm snatch
68 lbs
Performed as RX