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Logan Gaby 04/21/2017 Keshequa High School Q4-W2 - SPRINT TEST BENCHMARK 1 Length of Gym Sprint Test

End line to End Line
Feet must start behind the black baseline of basketball court
Stop clock when chest breaks the opposite baseline of basketball court

Measure in Miles - Round to the nearest tenth
5 ft
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 04/19/2017 Keshequa High School Q4-W1 Vertical Jump Benchmark Today is a test of explosive lower body power.

Using your standing reach as your zero, jump as high as you can from a standing position. Measure your highest point of flight. The difference between those two numbers equals your standing vertical jump.

Measure in inches
19 in
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 03/30/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W12 4 Corner Partner Relay

Partner AMRAP in 4 Mins

Start at half court on the sideline
1st Corner - 5 Push Ups
2nd Corner - 5 Tuck Jumps
3rd Corner - 5 In and Outs
4th Corner - Push Up Circle Walk

Tag Partner to run second lap - alternate laps until finish

Each Corner is a Rep and each lap is a Round
4 rounds 3 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 03/28/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W11 21-15-9 FRAN

Push Ups
Jumping Jacks
Bench Squats
1m 30s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 03/24/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W10 100 Single Jump w/Jump Rope for time 1m 00s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 03/16/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W9 2 Rounds for Time

10 Bench Squats w/10lbs
10 Push Press w/10lbs
10 Dips
10 Tuck Jumps
10 Dead Lifts w/10lbs
1m 30s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 03/03/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W7 1 Min AMRAP

Seated Shoulder Press w/20 lbs

Full range of motion weights from chest to fully extended elbow.
37 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 03/01/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W6 3 Rounds for Time

10 Bench Squats w/10lb Weight
10 Dips
5 Single Leg Lunge w/10lb Weight (Right)
5 Single Leg Lunge w/10lb Weight (Left)

2m 00s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 02/14/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W5 - Somersaults 1 Min AMRAP

Somersault Challenge

Standing on one side of the mat you are to perform a somersault.

Once you stand up from your first somersault, you are to turn 180 degrees and perform another somersault back towards the edge of the mat you started on.

Perform as many as possible in 1 minute.
42 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 02/10/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W4 - SPRINT TEST BENCHMARK 1 Length of Gym Sprint Test

End line to End Line
Feet must start behind the black baseline of basketball court
Stop clock when chest breaks the opposite baseline of basketball court

Measure in Miles - Round to the nearest tenth
4.60 mi
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 02/08/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W3 - PUSH UP BENCHMARK 2 Min AMRAP

Hands off floor full range of motion push ups

Test of strength/endurance not power.
120 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 02/06/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W2 - Seated Throw Benchmark Sitting on the baseline, student will throw a men's basketball as far as they can with two hands while partner measures and retrieves the ball. Testing core strength and explosiveness.

Measure to the nearest foot and log data.
25 ft
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 01/31/2017 Keshequa High School Q3-W1 MAX VERTICAL BENCHMARK Today is a test of explosive lower body power.

Using your standing reach as your zero, jump as high as you can from a standing position. Measure your highest point of flight. The difference between those two numbers equals your standing vertical jump.

Measure in inches
19 in
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 01/18/2017 Keshequa High School Q2-W14 2 Rounds For Time

10 Single Jump Jump Ropes
Farmer Walk Across the Gym (Weight in One Hand)
10 Mason Twists w/weight - Weight Touches the Floor
Farmer Walk Back Across The Gym (Opposite Hand)
10 Single Arm Side Plank Raise
2m 00s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 01/13/2017 Keshequa High School Q2-W13 2 Rounds for Time

15 Air Squats - butt to ankles down and straight leg stand
Frankenstein Walk
10 Shoulder Taps
Backward Jog
1m 00s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 01/05/2017 Keshequa High School Q2-W12 End to End 2 Rounds for Time
Endline to Endline

10 Shoulder Taps
Lunge to Half
Hop On One Foot from half to Endline
20 Calf Raises facing wall
Hop on One Foot to Halfcourt
Mogul Jumps to Endline (Two foot diagonal jumps)
1m 00s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 01/03/2017 Keshequa High School Q2-W11 1 MINUTE AMRAP

17 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/20/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W10 AMRAP in 2 Min

10 Bench Squats w/10lb Weight
Run w/weight to net and back
8 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/16/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W9 3 Round Jump Around

10 Single Jumps
Run to the opposite baseline
5 Clapping Push Ups
Skip Back

1m 15s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/14/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W8 2 Rounds for Time

5 Wall Walk Ups
Bound to Half
Bear Crawl To End
5 Tuck Jumps
Grapevine to half then switch to opposite lead leg to finish
0m 50s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/12/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W7 - 4 Move Total Body 3 Rounds for Time

10 Bench Squats
10 Feet on Bench Push Ups
10 Split Lunges
10 Dips
1m 10s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/08/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W6 1 Min AMRAP

Agility Ladder
Step In Step Outs
Start with both feet out side a box on the agility ladder.
Step in the box with one foot, then the other foot.
Step out of the box with one foot, then the other foot.
When both feet have made it back out of the box, that equals one rep.

150 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/06/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W5 Pop Lock and Hop It 2 Rounds for Time

Power skip to opposite baseline
5 Burpees
Single leg hop to halfcourt
Opposite leg hop to starting baseline
5 Wall Leg Pop Ups
1m 00s
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 12/02/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W5 3 Move AMRAP 2 Min AMRAP

10 Chest to Floor Push Ups
10 Bench Squats
10 Tuck Jumps

Keep Track of Rounds and Reps
7 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Logan Gaby 11/28/2016 Keshequa High School Q2-W3 Seated Basketball Throw Benchmark Seated Throw Benchmark

Sitting on the baseline, student will throw a men's basketball as far as they can with two hands while partner measures and retrieves the ball. Testing core strength and explosiveness.

Measure to the nearest foot and log data.
26 ft
Performed as RX