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Joe Murdock 02/15/2015 CrossFit Pintados Back in Black 3 rounds for time.

5 power cleans (Advanced: 70kg, Intermediate*: 47.5kg, Novice: 30kg)

10 toes to bar

200m sprint

5 power cleans (same)

10 toes to bar

200m sprint

1 minute rest

Scaling Guide: 10 18 minutes.
20m 45s
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 02/12/2015 CrossFit Pintados Mermaids Dilemma For time.

800m Run

15 hang power snatches (Advanced: 50kg, Intermediate*: 35kg, Novice: 16kg kb swing)

15 overhead squats (Advanced: Same, Intermediate*: Same, Novice: 25kg front squat)

15 jerks shoulder to overhead- (Advanced: Same, Intermediate*: Same, Novice: 25kg)

800m Run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 8 15 minutes. Scale up to 60/37.5 if you wish.
14m 29s
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 02/10/2015 CrossFit Pintados The Starting Line For time.

15 power snatches (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 37.5kg, Novice: 25kg)

400m run

10 power snatches

400m run

5 power snatches

400m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 8 12 minutes. Scale up the weights to 65/42.5 for an additional challenge.
12m 18s
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 02/09/2015 CrossFit Pintados Jade Talisman 6 min AMRAP

5 Left / 5 Right Single arm dumbbell strict press (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 25lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

5 Right / 5 Left single arm dumbbell overhead squats (same)

15 Open Style** box jumps (Advanced: 24in, Intermediate*: 20in, Novice: 12in)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

**A pause (showing control) at the top of each box jump is required. STEP UPS are allowed for this workout.

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
2 rounds 3 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 02/08/2015 CrossFit Pintados Siberian Dancing Bear 7 min AMRAP

10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

50 bear crawl

15 abmat sit ups

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
6 rounds 10 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/29/2015 CrossFit Pintados 2009 DCF Team Qualifier A 6 rounds for time.

5 squat clean thrusters** (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 37.5kg, Novice: 25kg)

200m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

** A power clean to front squat, to some kind of jerk is absolutely acceptable.
13m 13s
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 01/27/2015 CrossFit Pintados Road Warriors Now Recruiting 13 min AMRAP

30 left hand suitcase dumbbell lunges (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

16 dumbbell power snatches (alternate as necessary) same weight

30 right hand suitcase dumbbell lunges same weight

300m row

1 minute rest**

*Womens Rx

**If you finish your last round after minute 12, you have the option to go ahead and start another round before the 13 minute mark! (skip the last rest)

Scaling Guide: 3 5 rounds. Scale up: Hold the dumbbell overhead.
03 rounds 30 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/23/2015 CrossFit Pintados Sandbag For time

400m sandbag run (Advanced: 30kg, Intermediate*: 20kg, Novice: 10kg)

3 minutes rest

400m sandbag run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: Women 7-10 min, Men 6-9 min (rest included).
8m 10s
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/22/2015 CrossFit Pintados Muddy Shoes 6 min AMRAP

15 box jumps (Advanced: 24in, Intermediate*: 20in, Novice: 12in), step ups okay

10 left / 10 right, single arm kettlebell swings (Advanced: 24kg, Intermediate*: 16kg, Novice: 12kg

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
3 rounds 5 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/19/2015 CrossFit Pintados Soft Shore For time.

800m run*

20 pistols alternating legs (Novice: single leg sit to stand on a box)

20 burpees

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5:30 8min.
6m 44s
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/18/2015 CrossFit Pintados Short Winded 6 min AMRAP

35 double unders* (Novice: 50 single unders)

15 wall ball (Advanced: 20lb/10ft, Intermediate*: 14lb/9ft, Novice: 10lb/8ft)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds. Scale up to heavy wall ball for an extra challenge (30lb and 20lb)
4 rounds 10 reps
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 01/12/2015 CrossFit Pintados Drop the Clutch 1 shoulder to overhead (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 35kg, Novice: 25kg)

1 round trip shuttle run (20 out and back, each round trip counts as one rep)

2 shoulder to overhead, 2 round trip shuttle runs

3 shoulder to overhead, 3 round trip shuttle runs


As many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes (count total reps and log that). Remember that each round trip shuttle run counts as one rep for this workout.

Scaling Guide: 30 100 reps. Scale up: 70kg/42.5kg
59 reps
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 01/11/2015 CrossFit Pintados Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
14m 30s
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/06/2015 CrossFit Pintados Big Wheels Small Ego 4 rounds for time

8 heavy overhead squats (Advanced: 60kg , Intermediate*: 37.5kg, Novice: 20kg)

10 high box jumps (Advanced: 30in, Intermediate*: 28in, Novice: 20in)

12 toes to bar (Advanced*: 12 reps, Intermediate: 8 reps, Novice: 4 reps)

50 double unders (Intermediate: 30 including attempts, Novice: 20 attempts)

1 minute rest

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 11 17 minutes
19m 36s
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 01/05/2015 CrossFit Pintados Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
11m 00s
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/04/2015 CrossFit Pintados Shoot to Thrill 6 min AMRAP

4 dumbbell power snatch Left hand (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 25lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

4 dumbbell shoulder press strict- Left hand (same)

4 dumbbell power snatch Right hand (same)

4 dumbbell shoulder press strict- Right hand (same)

6/4 chest to bar pull ups (Advanced: 6 reps, Intermediate*: 4 reps, Novice: 4 band pull ups)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds. Scale up to 55/30lbs and 6/6 pull ups.
5 rounds 4 reps
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 01/02/2015 CrossFit Pintados Rockeater 9 min AMRAP

6 dumbbell thrusters (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 25lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

12 burpees

1 minute rest

(If you finish a round at 8:00 or later, the last rest is optional!)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 7 rounds. Scale up the dumbbell thrusters to 55/30lbs if desired.
4 rounds 6 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 01/02/2015 CrossFit Pintados La Grange 7 min AMRAP

30 double unders (Novice: 5 single unders and 1 double under x 10)

Strict chin ups (Advanced: 5 reps, Intermediate*: 3 reps, Novice: 3 reps with a small band)

5 dumbbell hang squat cleans (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 7 rounds
4 rounds 2 reps
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 12/29/2014 CrossFit Pintados Pintados 12 days of Christmas For Time
*After completing the first movement go back to 1 and begin again adding a new movement each round. There are 12 total rounds with one new movement being added each round. I.E. do 1 Kb SDHP, then 1 Kb SDHP + 2 HSPU, then 1 Kb SDHP + 2 HSPU + 3 Burpees, etc.

The WOD is complete when the 12 oz. of Beer is finished.

1- Kb SDHP (32/24*/16)
2- HSPU or Db Shoulder to over head (45/25*/15)
3- Burpee
4- Russian Kb Swing (same)
5- Toes to Bar or Sit-ups
6- Goblet Squat (same Kb)
7- Push ups
8- Box Jumps (24"/20"*)
9- Db Snatch (same)
10- Lunges w/ Db in each hand
11- Double Unders
12- oz. of Beer
*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 20 35 minutes
35m 00s
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 12/16/2014 CrossFit Pintados CrossFit Games Open 13.4 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
48 reps
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 12/15/2014 CrossFit Pintados Hopalong Cassidy 1 minute each for maximum repetitions. 2 rounds (no resting between rounds):

Single arm dumbbell overhead squat (Advanced: 45lb, Intermediate*: 35lb, Novice: 25lb) -switch arms at will-

High box jump (Advanced: 28, Intermediate*: 24, Novice: 20)

Renegade row (same as OHS)

*Womens Rx

** Start on whichever exercise you want but do them in order (if you start on box jumps, youll end on DB OHS.

Scaling Guide: 70 120 reps
105 reps
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 12/14/2014 CrossFit Pintados Money For Nothing 7 min AMRAP

40 walking lunge

10 ring push-ups (Advanced: Rings touching Feet, Intermediate*: straps at 45 deg angle, Novice: regular push-ups)

100m sprint

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds. Scale up to db weighted lunges (25/15lbs, one in each hand) for an extra challenge.
5 rounds 40 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 12/02/2014 CrossFit Pintados Go Your Own Way 4 rounds for max reps.

1 min kipping pull ups

1 min box jumps (Advanced: 24, Intermediate*: 20, Novice: 12)

1 min kettlebell swings (Advanced: 53lbs, Intermediate*: 35lbs, Novice: 26lbs)

1 min low/high sled push (Advanced: +180lbs, Intermediate*: +90, Novice: +50) each trip is one rep (one round trip there and back is two reps).

1 min rest

You can start on any movement as long as you perform them in the order listed (so if you think there is a better way to place to start than the pull ups, give it a shot)! You must start in the same place for all four rounds.

Scaling Guide: 150 300 reps
165 reps
Performed as RX
Joe Murdock 12/02/2014 CrossFit Pintados Hot Bronze 3 rounds for time.

10 back squats cleaned from the floor (Advanced: 70kg, Intermediate*: 42.5kg, Novice: 30kg)

10 burpees

200m run

1 minute rest
8m 20s
Workout Scaled
Joe Murdock 11/30/2014 CrossFit Pintados Black Bear For time.

6 hang squat snatches (Advanced: 52.5kg, Intermediate*: 30kg, Novice: 35lb kb swing)

8 shoulder to overhead (Advanced: same, Intermediate*: same, Novice: 45lb bar)

10 deadlifts (Advanced: same, Intermediate*: same, Novice: 45lb bar)

12 burpees over the bar

6 hang squat snatches

8 shoulder to overhead

10 deadlifts

12 burpees over the bar

Rest 2 minutes, then repeat.

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 11 17 min. Scale up to 60kg/37.5kg for an extra challenge.
17m 31s
Workout Scaled