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Doug Mitchell 03/05/2014 CrossFit Eclipse CrossFit Games Open 13.4 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
62 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/26/2014 CrossFit Eclipse ENDURANCE For Time
Rest 1 Minute
Rest 2 Minutes
Rest 3 Minutes
Rest 4 Minutes
24m 57s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/21/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Pullups 3xME Pullups = Total Number of Reps 67 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/21/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Cleans 10min AMRAP
30 Cleans 95/65
30 Cleans 155/105
30 Cleans 185/125
55 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/19/2014 CrossFit Eclipse A little Bit of Both 15-10-5
Thrusters 115/75
Chest to Bar
-Rest 8min
DeadLift 265/185
Deficit HandStand PushUp
25m 48s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/18/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Grab the Mirrors! 4 rounds for time
400m Run
10 Bench Press 135/95
-Rest 1 Min
14m 43s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/18/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Thruster 2 RM Thruster 170 lbs
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/17/2014 CrossFit Eclipse 7 Rounds 7 Rounds
15 KB Swings 55/35
15 Power Cleans 115/75
15 Box Jumps 20/16
3 rounds 37 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 02/05/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Burp Burp For Time
1,000m Row
50 Burpees
10 DeadLift 225/155
10 Bar Burpees
10 T2B
24m 56s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/31/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Sumooooooo 12min AMRAP
10 Sumo Deadlifts (no High pull)
20 Situps
30 Lunges
40 DU
4 rounds 15 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/30/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Time to Dominate 4 Rounds
250m Row
7 Strict Pullups
7 Dips
7 DB Shoulder to OH 70/45
14m 23s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/29/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Say What? 4 Rounds

15 Goblet Squats
20ft Walking Planks
15 Slam Balls
20 V-ups
9m 43s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/27/2014 CrossFit Eclipse CrossFit Games Open 13.4 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
59 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/24/2014 CrossFit Eclipse CrossFit Games Open 13.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
0 rounds 240 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/23/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Fran Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
6m 14s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/23/2014 CrossFit Eclipse CrossFit Baseline For time:
500m row
40 squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups
6m 22s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/21/2014 CrossFit Eclipse You Got Skill? 10 KettleBell Swings
20 Pistols
10 KB
20 Pistols
10 KB
20 HandStand Pushups
10 KB
20 HandStadn Pushups
10 KB
13m 19s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/18/2014 CrossFit Eclipse Angie For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
22m 43s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/17/2014 CrossFit Eclipse CrossFit Games Open 13.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
115 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
115 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 24" box
6 rounds 18 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/13/2014 CrossFit Eclipse HSPU For Time
400m Run/Row
40 HandStand PushUps
400m Run/Row
30 HandStand PushUps
400m Run/Row
20 HandStand PushUps
12m 38s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/10/2014 CrossFit Eclipse CrossFit Games Open 13.1 Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:

40 Burpees
30 Snatches 75/45
30 Burpees
30 Snatches 135/75
20 Burpees
30 Sntaches 165/100
10 Burpees
30 Snatches 210/120
123 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/09/2014 CrossFit Eclipse 10! For Time
KB Swings 70/55
Box Jumps 30/24
8m 31s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/03/2014 CrossFit Eclipse 21-15-9 800m Row
Weighted Situps 25/15
Each Leg OverHead Lunges 45/25
800m Row
14m 34s
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 01/02/2014 CrossFit Eclipse 1 Minute Stations 3rds for total reps
1 minute of Muscle Ups or Chest to Bar
1 minute of Power Cleans 135/95
1 minute of WallBalls 20/14 10/9
1 minute REST
102 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Mitchell 12/31/2013 CrossFit Eclipse New Year's Eve "Diane"
Deadlift 225/155

5m 54s
Performed as RX