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Charles Drake 09/26/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140926 BB Cycling

1) Power Snatch: 3X5 @ 80% of 5rm - rest as needed

2) Power Clean & Push Jerk: 3X5 @ 80% of 5rm - rest as needed


*Sequence ends on 4th set of HSPU.

1a) 3X10-15 UB Strict HSPU - rest 90 sec.

1b) 3X15 Reverse Hypers - medium/heavy, rest 90 sec.


For time:

15-12-9 of:

Bar Muscle-Ups
Dual KB Clean & Jerk 24/16kg (every rep from the floor)
12m 58s
Workout Scaled
Charles Drake 09/26/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None 8x400m run
Rest 90 sec btwn
12m 11s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/25/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None Run 1.5 miles 11m 22s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/22/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140922 BBG

5X1 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) @ 80% of max from blocks - rest as needed

BB Cycling/Midline

1a) 3x5 Touch & Go Snatches (full) @ 75% of 5rm - rest 90 sec.

1b) 3X60 second Weighted Plank Hold (plate on back) - heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.


"Open Workout 14.1"

10 minute AMRAP of:

30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55#
2 rounds 34 reps
Workout Scaled
Charles Drake 09/22/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None Run 1.5 10m 59s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/21/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None Run 3 miles on beach 31m 18s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/17/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140917 BB Cycling

3+1X5 Split Jerk (no drops) - three sets to work to a 5rm (see note for explanation of +1), rest 2:00

Note: The +1 set is an additional ME UB set @ 80% of the 5rm established in the first three sets.


1a) 3X8 Pause Front Squats @ heaviest possible - (STRICT 3 second pause in the bottom at absolute bottom depth), rest 2:00

1b) 3X8 Clean Grip Behind the Neck Push Press - heaviest possible, rest 2:00


Tabata Intervals of (8 rounds - :20 work/:10 rest):

1) KB Swings 24/16kg

2) Air Squats

3) Ab-Mat Situps

*Perform 8 rounds of #1, then 8 rounds of #2, then 8 rounds of #3. Note total reps of each.
292 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/17/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit 1.5 mile run Run 1.5 miles 12m 03s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/09/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140909 BBG

1) 5X1 Clean from blocks (just above knee) work to a heavy but perfect single for the day (preferably no misses), rest as needed

2) 5X1 Jerk from blocks work to a heavy but perfect single for the day (preferably no misses), rest as needed

BB Cycling/Midline

1a) 3+1X5 Touch & Go Cleans (full) three sets to work to a 5rm (see note for explanation of +1), rest 2:00

Note: The +1 set is an additional ME UB set @ 80% of the 5rm established in the first three sets. The goal is as many T&G reps as possible with perfect technique before dropping the bar. The +1 notation will be used throughout this cycle.

1b) 3X1:30 ME Strict Muscle-Ups rest 2:00


6 x 400m run
rest 90 sec between
9m 17s
Workout Scaled
Charles Drake 09/08/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140908 BBG

5X1 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) - work to a heavy but perfect single for the day (preferably no misses), rest as needed

BB Cycling/Midline

1a) 3+1X5 Touch & Go Snatches (full) - three sets to work to a 5rm (see note for explanation of +1), rest 90 sec.

Note: The +1 set is an additional ME UB set @ 85% of the 5rm established in the first three sets. The goal is as many T&G reps as possible - with perfect technique - before dropping the bar. The +1 notation will be used throughout this cycle.

1b) 3XME (timed) Plank Hold (absolutely rigid with no sag) - rest 90 sec.


10 minute AMRAP of:

15 Strict/Kipping Deficit HSPU 2/1" (perform strict reps in a ME/UB set until failure, then switch to kipping for the remainder of each set)
30 BB Weighted Split Jumps 65/45# (each jump counts one rep)
2 rounds 25 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/03/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140903 BB Cycling

1) 3+1X5 Split Jerk (no drops) - three sets to work to a 5rm (see note for explanation of +1), rest 2:00

Note: The +1 set is an additional ME UB set @ 80% of the 5rm established in the first three sets. The goal is as many T&G reps as possible - with perfect technique - before dropping the bar. The +1 notation will be used throughout this cycle.


1a) 3X8 Pause Front Squats @ heaviest possible - (STRICT 3 second pause in the bottom at absolute bottom depth), rest 2:00

1b) 3X8 Clean Grip Behind the Neck Push Press - heaviest possible, rest 2:00


4 rounds for total working time of:

Run 400m
20 Ring Dips
15 TTB

Rest 1:1
20m 26s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/26/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140826 BBG

1) 3 Position Clean (Floor, Hang, Power Position - do not drop bar) + 1 Jerk (after Clean complex): 5X1@80% of all-time max for the complex

2) Jerk from blocks: 5X2@80% of 1rm


1a) 3X8 Muscle-Ups AFAP - rest 90 sec.

1b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings - heaviest load from last week -10#, rest 90 sec.


1) 10:00 AMRAP of:

Paced Burpees

*Work at what you perceive to be 85-95%. Check HR before starting and immediately after. Rest until HR drops to below 110 BPM before beginning #2.

2) 5:00 AMRAP of:

10 Burpees
10 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters 95/65#
139 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/25/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None 4x400m w/ 90 sec rest 10m 49s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/23/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140823 BBG

1) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.

2) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.


15 minutes to establish a 3RM Front Squat.


For time:

Run 5k
31m 42s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/11/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit SWAT School Sit ups 59 unbroken
Push Ups 45 unbroken
Run 1.5 miles <11:40
strict pull ups 5
O Course < 7 mins
11m 36s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/06/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit 1.5 mile run Run 1.5 miles 11m 01s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/03/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit 140801 8 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
Rest 90 seconds
21m 42s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/03/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit 140731 Hang power snatch 5-5-5-5-5 reps 65-65-65-65-65 lbs
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 08/02/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140802 BBG

1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.

Meet style. Warmup and choose openers and attempts.

2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.

Meet style. Warmup and choose openers and attempts.


15 minutes to establish a 3RM Front Squat.



9-7-5 of:

Snatches (full) 135/95#

For time.
7m 38s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/31/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None


12 minute AMRAP of:

10 TTB
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
30 Lateral Jumps over 12" hurdle (each jump counts one rep)
4 rounds 24 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/30/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit 1.5 mile run Run 1.5 miles 11m 39s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/29/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Outlaw 140729 BBG

1) 3 Position Clean (Floor, Hang, Power Position - do not drop bar) + 1 Jerk (after Clean complex): Max for the complex + Jerk - 1X1@95%, 1X1@90%

2) Jerk from blocks: 3RM - 3X1@95%, 3X1@90%


1a) 3XME UB Strict Muscle-Ups + ME UB Kipping Muscle-Ups (drop down after ME Strict set, and reset for Kipping set with no more than :10 break) - rest 90 sec.

1b) 3X8 Jumping Good Mornings - heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.


5 rounds of:

Row 500M
15 6" Target Burpees

Rest 1:1
30m 40s
Workout Scaled
Charles Drake 07/28/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit None Description:


3 Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, Power Position do not drop bar): Max for the complex - 1X1@95%, 1X1@90%


1a) 4XME Strict HSPU - if more than 15 on first set add a deficit, rest 90 seconds


30 reps for time clean and jerk 135/95

4x400 m run
rest 90 sec between
2m 15s
Workout Scaled
Charles Drake 07/21/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit Run 5k 3.2 mile run 36m 48s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/19/2014 Sheepdog CrossFit 140718 For time:
95-lb. thrusters, 30 reps
20 GHD sit-ups
400-meter run
115-lb. thrusters, 20 reps
30 GHD sit-ups
400-meter run
135-lb. thrusters, 10 reps
40 GHD sit-ups
400-meter run
15m 11s
Workout Scaled